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Trial by Chicken Enchiladas!

The Struggle to Resist Chicken Enchiladas!

It was a dark time for the empire. The High Prince had seen the plight his father's rule spread across the land, and has risen up against him. How dare the Dragon King demand his offspring eat the meals prepared by the Queen of Night? What tyranny is that? The High Prince, determined to stand his ground, once again stood defiant against another meal: Chicken Enchiladas!

The demands of the Queen of Night were too much to bare: consume three bites of the enchiladas. Not nibbles, not a small taste, but three full on bites! The despotism of this demand was absurd! How dare she demand such vulgar acts?

The "spare" prince was first to fall, his lack of understanding his undoing. The food tasted good. He couldn't hold back, his baser desire to consume tasty food outweighed the obvious oppression forced upon him by the Dragon King and his evil Queen.

The Princess of Dragons fell next. At first, she stood strong with her elder brother, for they were stronger together. However, her rebellion would not last as the meal was actually made of chicken, and not some horrific poison. Knowing she actually liked chicken, and the promise of cookies upon completion, Her defiance was broken and her meal was consumed.

Only the High Prince remained. His will was strong, for at the end of the day, he was son to the most powerful of Kings in all the land. The dark Queen had set the expectation: Three bites. They were cut and waiting there for him. The Dragon King, from high on his throne, looked down upon him. The pressure was on. Could he resist? Time passed. Not a single bite. The Queen of Night and her loyal subjects retreated to tend to other tasks. The Dragon King, with all his scorn and repulsiveness, mocked the prince. "Three bites is all we are asking" the king demanded. The High Prince frowned with disdain, for he was certain this poison would kill him. "This looks bad!" the prince spoke, defiantly.

The expectation was set. The clock ticked away the time. "You will sit here until you eat these three bites!" The Dragon King roared, annoyed that his own son would defy his rule!

"But the chicken stings my mouth" the Prince cried forcing himself to take a small nibble.

The time continued to march slowly towards bed time. The High Prince was finally starting to lose his resolve. Soon an envoy from another Kingdom would be here and the High Prince would be imprisoned in his room. With time running out, the High Prince finally caved. His rebellion was suffering without the support of his brother and sister...and his desire to not sit at the table until bed time was weakening his will. There would be another night, another battle.

But the High Prince's resolve was high, and his will returned quicker than ever. After the envoy left, the message delivered, while he approached bed time, he had another plan. To deceive the Dragon King, for the King's day had been long and tiring. "Father!" spoke the Prince, edging towards his quest. "Mother said that on evenings where you and her have left overs, I will be allowed to select my own dinner. Is that still true?"

"Yes, son, that is correct" spoke the Dragon King, pretending to be ignorant of what is coming. "And I was told we would have left overs once a week. We've not had them yet this week, so tomorrow I may select my own meal, correct?" the brave prince continued. The despot smiled to his son. "Too bad we already had left overs this week. It was Tuesday!"

The despair was palpable. Failure washed over the prince like a tidal wave. He couldn't hold back the tears. "But, that means I have to eat what you want me too eat tomorrow!" He sobbed. "Heh, that's right son. You will eat what my Queen makes, and you will wallow in despair!" The Prince collapsed on the floor. It was suddenly apparent to him just how wretched the Dragon King, his father, truly was. "That's just not fair! was all he could muster, tears rolling down his cheeks. The Dragon King reveled in his anguish, escorting his first born son to bed.

The Dragon King sat back, victorious. For he was the master of his realm. The High Prince held fast, but his control was absolute. Vae Victis!

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