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Johnny Marzetti Casserole Catastrophe!

Johnny Marzetti Casserole!

The darkness of the Dragon King's rule still spread across the land squeezing the life out of his subjects. The High Prince and his siblings still struggled to rid themselves of their father's evil.

Once again, they gathered in the banquet hall, and once again the High Prince prepared himself for the battle at hand. Would his siblings join him in his righteous crusade, or would they fall to the vanity of hunger and tasty food? Soon he would know, for the Queen of Night approached, meals in hand.

The High Prince looked upon the feast with pure disgust. What sort of trickery was this? His favorite noodles, covered in cheese, with the flesh of slain cattle. Such blasphemy! "What is this heresy?" the High Prince complained! "This looks horrific!"

"My son," started the Queen of Night, "these are the noodles you enjoy, with cheese, and beef. You should eat it before it gets cold, I promise you would like it." The "Spare" Prince was already consuming the meal in front of him.

Pulling the Tomatoes out of the Princess's meal, the Dragon King idly glared at the High Prince. "You don't have to eat the tomatoes, but the rest of the rules stand. I know how you eat noodles six or seven at a time, so you should not have any issues with this meal."

The High Prince's anguish was an obvious, palpable thing. On one hand, it was penne noodles, his favorite. On the other hand, it was dinner, and he could not show signs of weakness. The cheese and pasta called to his soul, but his will was strong, he would endure.

He took a small bite, to test his father, less than a single noodle, with no cheese and no meat. "Father, is this one bite?" he asked, expecting the answer he got.

"Son, you know better. Why do you test me so?" demanded the Dragon King, finishing his own plate. "Just eat the food! I want to do something other than sitting at the banquet table watching you complain and negotiate. Just eat!"

The High Prince turned to his sister, hoping for support but found none. The Princess had already started eating the noodles, oblivious to the plight of her older brother. She consumed her meal completely without issue. "Gaze upon your sister's achievement and despair. For she will be greatly rewarded!" boasted the Dragon King, pointing to the cleared plate. "And look, your younger brother has cleaned his plate as well. Rewards will be had by all, all but you of course, if you do not finish your meal!"

The High Prince was betrayed, once again. The meal broke the will of his siblings. Slowly and deliberately, the High Prince started to eat his meal. After a few bites, he slumped back into his chair and gave up, going without the rewards the Princess of Dragons and the "Spare" Prince got. It seemed his father's adage of "Life is not fair!" stood true once again.

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