Chicken Soft Taco Failure!
Once again, the time had come for the banquet feast and for the High Prince to be tortured. However, this time, he knew his fate. Before he even saw the food, he had decided that tonight he would refuse. It was time for him to stand is ground. Tonight, would be the night. Cheese and Chicken Tacos. The battle grounds where drawn. The Indomitable will of the Dragon King against the unending loathing of his first-born son. The drums of war beat their somber song.
Both his siblings surrendered immediately, without any sort of fighting, their will breaking under the gaze of the Dragon King, his temper already pushed to its limit by the day's trials. "Son," the tyrant began "This will taste better warm. It's chicken and cheese, in a soft shell. It's great! Please eat it." The High Prince, preparing for the sacrifice at and, stood his ground and didn't even look at the meal. "You have thirty minutes to eat or you're going to bed. It's your choice."
The High Prince knew what must be done. He sat in his chair, debating the full weight of what was about it happen. "I'm not going to eat this." he finally said, looking defiantly at his father.

"You know the consequences of what you're doing, right?" hissed the Dragon King. "I am in no mood to argue."
The High Prince set down his meal. "I do, father." He stated, defiantly.
"So be it, son. Upstairs for your bath, then you're going to bed." The Dragon King rose to his full height, towering over the prince. "Let's go!"
Solemnly the High Prince marched towards his imprisonment. He bathed in silence and went to bed, all the while the Despot stood over him, forcing the choice.
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