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Tacos! The spark in which a fire of rebellion burns across the land!

Rebellion begins with Tacos!?!

It always begins with a spark. A small, weak, bit of tension that, through hopes for the future and the dreams of tomorrow, starts a roaring fire that burns through the lands and changes history. Our story is no different. It was a dark time, a time of horrific tyranny and forced labor. Of horrendous atrocities such as chores, bed times, and bath times. The Dragon King ruled his kingdom through fear and hatred. However, in his compliance, the King grew fat with compliance, in the thought that his rule was absolute. The High Prince, his motives true, saw the compliance and the villainy of the Dragon King, and knew he must take action. So the High Prince, backed by the the Princess of Dragons, stood firm and in the quiet piece of the evening, openly rebelled against his father, the King, and the Queen.

The first act of defiance: dinner! The Dragon King looked upon his family with disdain for the hatred they bore. Tacos? How can his lineage hate such a thing? The confusion gave way towards rage. A dark and vile rage that was on par with the evil within the king. The Queen of Night had worked hard on dinner, and the refusal was a direct insult to her efforts. The taco must be consumed, the King demanded it. One for each of the royal family. Without hesitation, the youngest prince consumed his food without issue, unknowing the true tyranny of his father. The Princess stood fast for a while, and finally giving it, realized that tacos were in-fact pretty tasty, and consumed some of it.

The high prince, in his desire to be free of the chains of oppression, stood against his father's demands. The bargaining began in full. Three of his bites and that's good enough, or two of his father's larger bites, what if he ate the whole Taco? The prince stood defiant against the Dragon King's demands of at least two of the larger bites. Back and forth did the battle of wills rage, the Prince against his father, in open rebellion. Time ticked away, the King standing firm. One bite in, and thirty minutes had past. A second bite, forty five minutes into the battle for dinner. The Dragon King, sitting there monitoring things, began reading to the High Prince, the tale of "Charlotte's Web." Still the High Prince fought. Finally, fearing an early bed time, the High Prince backed down, and took a third bite, ninety minutes into the battle.

The taco, wasted, a viable representation of the vile rule of the Dragon King.

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