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Battle on a Different Front

Treachery comes in many ways. Defiance against food has led to other means of combat. While the King of Dragons is away, the little ones try to break the will of the Queen of Night. "We can do whatever we want!" they seem to think. Breakfast and lunch are not monitored in the way that dinners are and this has led to a mutinous behavior of all the rules of the land. The bathroom has been the most recent battle front. Perhaps it is not in the way that you may think. There is not excrement found in places where it should not be. On the contrary, in many cases they attempt to clean up the Princess of Dragons's plastic throne. In many cases this results in the death of many trees or a load of hand towels to be washed, but the efforts there are not a battle for today. Those efforts earn praise because of their desire to make the Queen happy. However, one porcelain throne room is off limits. This one, the ruler's private quarters have been off limits from the day the Dragon King conquered this kingdom. This one contains all the mysteries that are deemed dangerous and hurtful. The King does not witness the atrocities that could occur here, so it is up to the Queen to maintain the boundaries. One occasion nearly resulted in a very bad haircut for the Princess of Dragons. Prescriptions that were meant to be taken on an as needed basis have been flushed and lived without due to the fears of the Queen. The "Spare" Prince learned that the Tub of Relaxation was much deeper than his own and ended up with a nasty knot of his head when the Princess of Dragons decided he needed a bath. The High Prince learned of the Queen's wrath when her expensive bubble bath was wasted when he wanted to use the bar soap as a turtle in the slimy mess. This was done while the Princess of Dragons tried to learn what a razor was. This area was ruled out of their realm due to their inability to stay away from things that were not toys. In defiance sparked by the War of Food, they found their way in while the Queen of Night ensured her physical health despite the childproof door knob. In the midst of a rather difficult exercise, the Queen heard a metal clang that resounded within what could only be her Tub of Relaxation from the floor above. Despite her desire to continue with her workout and the desire to let the kids have fun, she paused her workout and stomped up the stairs. They had no place to run. There was only one exit from the Royal Porcelain Throne Room which was threw the Royal Bedchamber. That door was found at the top of the stairs. They were trapped. Knowing they had no place to go, they stood and waited for what was to come though they knew not how bad it would be. Anger must have shown of the Queen's face, the breaker of dreams and fun had come calling to the room. The High Prince ran from the room and past the Queen before a single word was spoken. He shouted, "Hide! Mommy's super mad!" as he floundered down the stairs to hide in the communal bath chamber, slamming and locking the door behind him. Pure terror showed on the Princess of Dragons face as the Queen shouted, "YOU KNOW YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO PLAY IN MY BATHROOM!!!" She bolted from the room as quickly as possible, down the stairs faster than ever before to bang on the communal bath chamber begging for the High Prince to give her access. Only the "Spare" Prince remained. Having never seen wrath like this before, he stood quaking in fear. When told to get out of the room, tears streamed down his face. He dropped the light saber he had in one had and the first aid kit he held in the other, nearly begging for the Queen's forgiveness. He knew not what he had done wrong. He knew the room was not easily entered, but not why. It was nap time for the "Spare" Prince, so punishment seemed logical. Off to his nap he went, screaming with fear that the Queen would not love him any more. She consoled him with words of explanation of what was done wrong, but not regret for the punishment. Upon leaving his bedchamber, the Princess of Dragons and High Prince stood below the balcony waiting to see what would enfold. Punishment must be had by all since the rules had been established a long time ago. The Royal Porcelain Throne Room was not a playroom. The Princess of Dragons had been told four times the day before and the it had been locked both days. She would suffer the same consequences as the "Spare" Prince even though naps had been forgone months ago. Begrudgingly she crawled up the stairs, fear that the Queen had more in store for her, but fear was all for not. She would take a nap, without her beloved Pink Puppy since the Queen had no interest to go on the dreaded hide-and-seek mission. The High Prince, thinking that nothing bad would actually befall him, stood haughtily by the entrance to the castle expecting nothing to happen. Punishment would be had by all though since he, being the eldest, should have known that there would be consequences for breaking the law. Since his bedchamber was one and the same as the "Spare" Prince and the Queen was unwilling to risk no nap for him, the High Prince would be forced to do nothing. He was told to sit on the couch and eat his lunch. The television would display random pictures taken by unknown people with no sound at all. He could eat a lunch of his choosing, but his feet were not to touch the floor unless it was to ensure that the Queen would not be cleaning excrement from the very couch he sat. This was to be done until the Princess of Dragons awoke from her nap because it was certain that she would actually take one. While she didn't take naps on a regular basis, if she were sent to her room crying, she would indeed cry herself to sleep within ten minutes and stay that way for around two hours. The Queen went about her daily chores. Laundry must be folded. All three bath chambers needed to be cleaned. When those tasks were finished, an hour remained on the High Prince's sentence. His boredom was evident and he could state what had been done wrong. He knew that if he had corrected his siblings, had told them to leave the Royal Porcelain Throne Room, he would not have been punished. He had to take responsibility for his own actions and act as a crown prince should by dictating the laws of the land. To finish his punishment, the Queen read the dreaded Charlotte's Web story to him. The kingdom was quiet and he had nothing to pay attention to except the story. Ironically, the story got interesting and he found himself begging the Queen to read more. The Queen of Night was pleased. Punishment was had by all and contrary to what the High Prince may have thought, she got quality time with him doing his summer homework. Check. Check. And Check.


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