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The Queen of Night Speaks Out

The battle starts with the Dragon King absent. He has been called into a summit meeting with the Royal Treasurers of the realm leaving the Queen to manage the tiny tyrants on her own. In his absence she saw fit to make a meal she felt sure would please them, homemade chicken nuggets, french fries and canned peas. The peas were optional, made simply because she did not want to eat the fried potatoes, but if the High Prince decided that the fries were not the correct type, he would also be forced to partake of the peas.

herbed chicken nuggets

It was a meal that the Queen of Night had never made and was uncertain that it would turn out edible, hence the french fries, but in reality the chicken was quite delicious. It tasted even better with the ketchup the High Prince loved to smother other foods in. The "Spare" Prince would eat none of the nuggets though, sensing his siblings dislike of the looks of the food. He ate only the french fries, but his desire to please his Queen led to him picking and eating an entire banana. This earned his freedom to eat other foods for the night.

The Princess of Dragons took offence to the chicken being called a nugget because it did not look as she expected. She ate an entire plate of fries with glee and then expected no punishment for not touching the chicken. This could not and would not be the case because the High Prince also decided that the fries were much more to his liking than the nuggets. He too ate the fries expecting no punishment, therefore both would be expected to eat at least two nuggets. This was the equivalent of two bites of food, but the High Prince and Princess of Dragons turned them into three bites each. Without the Dragon King at the table, they expected one nugget to satisfy the three bite requirement. The Queen, however, was already upset about how the trip to the local market went and their inability to treat her with manners on this day, held her ground with the two nugget requirement.

The Princess of Dragons caved first when the Queen said, "There will come a day when I will not be cooking for you. You'll wish I were, but you'll be much too grown to live at home any more." The High Prince exclaimed, "I never want that to happen." "Then eat my cooking now because I promise you that I will stop cooking for you one day." His sudden fear of losing the Queen spurred on the Princess to shove the nuggets in her mouth and yell at the High Prince to do the same. "You must eat the nuggets, my brother. The Queen will stop caring soon and she will stop feeding us. She won't make us breakfast or cook noodles in the afternoon. She'll sit in her room and cry wondering where she went wrong. You'll have to serve me instead and wipe the 'Spare' Prince's butt."

This motivated the High Prince enough to at least taste a nugget. It wasn't so bad. With enough ketchup, he might be able to clean the plate. He felt it was unfair that he had five nuggets to eat while the Princess of Dragons only had four, though one was pretty darn big according the to Queen. He ate another bite, nearly finishing the nugget. Swallowing a gallon of his drink with it made it bearable.

"What am I going to do with you? How will I feed you when you are away for your scholarly duties? How will I ever keep you alive?" The Queen exclaimed through unshed tears. "I cannot be there with you every minute of the day. I am not allowed and I simply cannot do it even if I was. You will surely starve to death or be taken away when I stop sending food that you throw away." The High Prince resolved himself to another nugget. The Princess of Dragons selected her biggest nugget and ate it without another word. "I will eat lunch at school, my Queen!" she said.

"My dear. If that were the case. You will eat fruit and I can send that with you when you go, but this is not that year. You will be home with me this year and next. You have two years to go before I send lunches to the royal academy. When that year comes, I will be happy knowing that I can at least send a banana, apples, or grapes with you and you will have the energy you need for the day." The Queen glared at the High Prince wondering if he would try to corrupt his younger sibling, but he remained quiet. After countless conversations on how a person could die from not eating or how the Queen and Dragon King are doing what they can to keep the entire realm from falling to unhealthy habits, the High Prince consumed three tiny nuggets. He gave up at that time deciding that remaining hungry was better than eating the meal the Queen of Night prepared. Other than not eating the remainder of the evening, nothing else happened. The High Prince was kept from bothering the Dragon King when he came home because the Queen's foul mood had created a poisonous cloud in the castle that affected everyone within. Bedtime came and the High Prince triumphantly announced that he looked forward to playing with his friends on the morrow since his punishment for biting the Princess of Dragons would be fulfilled. The Queen of Night scowled wishing that she could add punishment to prevent such festivities because his lack of finishing dinner seemed to be rewarded by the completion of a previous punishment.

The Queen of Night day dreamed and really dreamed of the the time the Royal Academy would start...

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