The strange tale of Beef!
The Dragon King once again summoned his progeny to the banquet hall, preparing himself for another long night of negotiating, begging, and crying. Lately the High Prince, the Princess of Dragons, and the "Spare" Prince had been working together again, trying to play off one another, attempting to weaken the King's resolve. The festivities of the week had only strengthened the King's determination, his ego goaded into epic proportions due to the very nature of the jubilee!
Befitting of the continued deliquesces, the Queen of Night prepared a new meal for her King. Beef with cheese topped with fresh bread. A feast designed to win over the King, while not inciting a revolt in the offspring. It was a good plan, well thought out and quite effective. All she had to do was allow the children to cover the dish in their favorite condiment, ketchup and they would eat it. Or so the Queen hoped.
At first, the meal seemed a success, for the "Spare" Prince and the Princess both started eating the dish quickly. The simple elegance of the meal drew both the younger children to the table without issue. All of the Dragon King's offspring loved biscuits and bread, so they were immediately interested. With the exception of the High Prince, who continued his resistance to the slavery forced upon him. At first, the High Prince demanded more ketchup to be added to his food, then he continued his parley for smaller bites and additional time to consume the meal. Finally, the Dragon King had enough. "Son!", he roared, his agitation palpable. "Enough. You have until the bell tolls three times to finish your food. In fact, if you do not consume the entirety of this meal, I will ban travel for anyone associated with you for the next weekend in addition to the standard sentencing! Now stop your nagging and eat your dinner!"
His father's tyranny sliced him deep. A lowly gasp was all he could muster. On one hand, this was a meal he knew he'd like. However, his father, the Tyrant of the Rose, the Scaled Despoiler, the vilest of human beings, would be happy if he did. Was he willing to risk his weekend shenanigans just to prove he was stronger than he looked? These questions tolled on him while he sat in his throne. The bell rung once, then twice. His time was slipping away. Finally, deciding it was not worth the risk, the High Prince caved, and consumed his meal.

"Father, gaze upon my plate and rejoice! For I have vanquished the meal before the bell rang three times!" The High Prince declared proudly.
"Excellent son, now was that so difficult?" The dreaded smirk of success danced across the Dragon King's face. "You may have desert, and are dismissed!"
The High Prince victoriously galloped away. The Dragon King turned to his beautiful Queen. "See my love, we are winning, and soon this rebellion will be all but a faded memory. Another crushing subjugation for your King. All bow before my might!"
The Queen could only smile in response. It was worthless to waste her breath voicing her concerns, for the king's megalomania had fueled another egocentric tirade.
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