The ongoing rebellion continued in the realm of the Dragon King, his first-born son raged onward concerning the idea of "fair," particularly concerning the ideas of what and how to consume food. The Queen of Night continued her onward trend of trying new meals and cooking new and interesting banquets for the King and his heirs.
The meal in question tonight was the meat of a freshly slain pig and potatoes, smashed by hand. The Queen had worked hard on this meal, expecting no resistance from the heirs because of the potatoes. It was one of their favorite foods. Or so she thought!
Surprisingly, the High Prince took the first bite without issue. Would this mark the end of the struggle? Had the Dragon King and the Queen of Night finally won, crushing all rebellion? Of course not! The High Prince started his negotiating immediately after tasting the first bite of cooked pig. "Father! How about I eat the potatoes, would that fulfill the required limit?"
"Ha!" Hissed the Dragon King, villainy dancing across his eyes. "You are required to consume three bites of the mashed potatoes and three bites of the pork. You like mashed potatoes so they shouldn't count at all!"
"What do you mean, father?" asked the High Prince, adverting his eyes from the gaze of the King. "That's not the deal!"
"You're trying to get away with eating what you like and ignoring the difficult stuff. No excuses, now eat."

"But I don't wanna" the High Prince whined, drawing the attention of his siblings. The Princess of Dragons smiled at her older brother, mindlessly playing with the mashed potatoes on her plate. The area surrounding the plate was filthy with her art. The "Spare" Prince was already mostly done with his meal, spoiled by not having to feed himself. Once again, the High Prince was alone, having to resist his parents. Though initially valiant, once the Spare Prince finished his meal the Princess of Dragons sat in the Queen of Night's lap and ate the meal without complaint. The only one left was the High Prince.
Time ticked away, the High Prince staring at his meal in silence, the Dragon King camped here the table. The Dragon King finally spoke "Son, you know food normally tastes better warm, correct? Why do you insist on wasting time until the food is cold before you eat it?"
"Because..." the High Prince stammered, still thinking he would be able to stall out and not have to eat the meal. "Because...", again repeating without actually answering the question. He knew this tactic annoyed his father greatly!"
"Ok, so no answer. Sit here and eat or go to bed!" The Dragon King spat. The High Prince protested once again but the Dragon King did not answer. Finally, the High Prince forced himself to consume the bare minimum to count the meal as finished. Defeated, he stalked up to his bathing chamber.
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