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Death by Potatoes?

The Lesson in the Potatoes

Once again it was time to engage in the never ending rebellion. The High Prince had already decided long before the feast that he was not going to eat. His decision made, it was time to fight the battle. The Queen of Night displayed her hard work on the table, immediately forcing the High Prince into his negotiating tactics. In the beginning, the Dragon King fell prey to the continued distraction while the High Prince stalled. Finally, the Dragon King had reached the limits of his patience. "Son, enough negating. Eat your meal before it gets cold. Again, you have until the bells chime to eat three bites."

The High Prince stood his ground, his choice already made. "No father, I will not. This meal is not fit for peasants. I will not touch it." The Dragon King only shook his head. "We've talked about this before. There is a action, and a consequence of that action. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, I refuse." the Prince huffed, defiantly.

"Fine, to your bathing chambers, then bed." The King ordered. The High Prince felt uneasy at his father's command. There was no anger in his voice this time, but something different, a sort of sadness. While bathing, the High Prince questioned this feeling. "Father, what is bothering you?" The Prince asked, unsure of how to approach this situation.

"Well son, you are going to bed a much earlier than I expected. I had plans for us to venture around the country side this evening, and to spend the evening with you. But you refuse to eat, and you know the consequences of your actions. So now you go to bed, and instead of spending time with me exploring my kingdom."

Tears immediately rolled from the High Prince's eyes. "But Father! I want to see the kingdom and spend time with you! I don't want to go to bed!" The Dragon King knew where this was going. "It is too late for that now son, you made your choice."

"But I didn't know!" the prince sobbed.

"Of course, but that doesn't change the fact you choose defiance!"

The High Prince continued to sob as his bath finished and he was escorted to bed. "I love you son, and I wanted to spend time together, but a punishment must be enforced. Maybe next time you'll think about the consequences of those actions before you commit to them."

The High Prince's sobbing could be heard through the castle as his father closed the doors to his bedroom. Would the High Prince learn a lesson from this? Only time would tell!


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