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Penne with Grilled Chicken and Mozzarella

Penne noodles were the favorite in the land. The High Prince deemed all other noodles to be inferior and not actual noodles. Spaghetti was simply spaghetti, which were allowed to be served, but any other noodles have to be justified and would not be called noodles. Knowing all of this, the Queen of Night felt that Penne with Grilled Chicken and Mozzarella would be a great dish for everyone. Everyone enjoyed chicken on some level even though it would be pan-cooked instead of grilled and mozzarella was a huge favorite.

The dish called for cherry tomatoes, but they were whole and easy to eat around. The amount of spices was a cause for concern. This simple dish that appeared to be something everyone might like was coated in leaf spices, leaving it looking like it had been dumped in the yard before serving. The Queen and King would have no trouble with it. The spices were needed so the dish would not be completely bland. The children though...

Penne With Grilled Chicken and Mozzarella

The dish was served. Each child received two tomatoes to taste, but if they were adamant not to like them, there would be no fighting from the Queen of Night. After seeing what the completed dish looked like, she was going to just be happy to get them to eat the chicken, cheese, and noodles. It didn't make a lot and the Dragon King hungered for more than what he was given. Almost wishing the High Prince would choose to go to bed so he could eat his share, a plan formed in his head. He knew that the Queen of Night had expected this meal to be a family favorite and also knew that after serving it, she was deeply worried that the High Prince and Princess of Dragons would not eat it.

"Son. Daughter. You must eat this meal. All of it or you will go to bed. There will not be any negotiations on bites. Son, you will eat all of this before the bell tolls or you will be given the remainder of your meal tomorrow to eat before you play soccer. Also, instead of picking your dinner tomorrow, you will eat what I choose after you finish whatever you do not eat tonight. If you do not finish that tomorrow, you'll be given all the leftovers the next night and the meal your mother prepares that night as well. This will continue until you eat all the food this week or the Queen will cancel your birthday party. I don't want tot hear any arguing because this is what will be," said the Dragon King.

"What will happen if the Princess of Dragons doesn't finish hers?" The High Prince asked expecting her to get special treatment because of her younger age. "She too will be given the leftovers tomorrow and be expected to eat the dinner I choose for her," said the Dragon King. Hearing this, the Princess of Dragons began shoveling food into her mouth, nearly choking on it in her desperation to not eat the same meal twice.

"And my brother? What about him? He has barely taken a single bite." The High Prince watched as the "Spare" Prince fumbled around the room eventually choosing to lay on the floor. "He is not expected to eat this meal. He has been ill all day and the royal physician said that he can only eat soft foods and drink liquids for the next week. If he chooses to eat this, we will rejoice. Otherwise, he receives no punishment due to physician orders."

Everyone finished the meal with the exception of the High Prince. The bell tolled indicating that the punishment will now take place. His remaining two bites of food, also known as one daddy bite, were taken away to be given the next day. "Shower and bed, my son. Tomorrow you will eat a dinner of my choosing." The High Prince cringed and cried. He begged to be given more time. He was calmly bathed and sent to bed. It wasn't that much earlier than normal, but the very thought of it caused him to awaken many times in the night. Dreams of not having a birthday party plagued him. He believed it would be impossible to eat the dinner the next night and would have piles and piles of old food in front of him as the days wore on. It was a long night.

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