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Easy Cheeseburger Ring...errr....Loaf

The Queen of Night had always thought that things like hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets were what kids always loved. Spaghetti with sauce was another. She was unprepared for the level of hate of the word "dinner" that royal children had developed. Even saying the word had turned into a battle with them on everything unrelated to dinner itself. Suddenly the Princess of Dragons hated cheese and all things meat. She didn't really, but if it was in "dinner", she hated it.

Trying another method of preparing cheeseburgers, the Queen of Night labored over a complicated plan. The dish itself really wasn't lengthy to make, but the wasn't sure how it was supposed to be assembled. The Easy Cheeseburger Ring was meant to be prepared on a pizza sheet and look something like a donut ring. The very look of it was something she thought the High Prince and Princess of Dragons would love because they loved donuts. However, it was not to be assembled as such. There was no pizza pan to be found in the land and a rectangular pan did not leave room for the entirety of the dish.

Easy Cheeseburger Ring

Instead of making a ring, she made something that looked more like a loaf. It ended up using only half of the crescent rolls the original dish called for, which it turned out was a good thing. Half the rolls still left the dish with more than enough bread to satisfy the Dragon King. It cut down on the excess carbs that the Queen avoided as well. This dish, unlike other cheeseburger dishes tried on the royal spawns had mustard in it as well as ketchup. Most everything else they had already tried and argued over, but like they say when feeding children, the 79th try is the charm (or whatever absurdly high number you want to pick). The mustard chicken dish previous tried had actually been the first dish the High Prince had ate the entire meal, so the hope was it was the mustard he kinda sorta liked.

The Queen of Night had been wrong. They loved the look. They loved the rolls. They hated the meat. "You will eat this meal and all of tomorrow's meal or else you early birthday present will be delayed, my son," said the Dragon King.

"But father. That is not your decision to make. That is the Queen Mother's decision since she is the one commissioning the present." The High Prince grinned gleefully at the Dragon King.

"What you don't understand my son is that your present requires my time and also my money in order to get it. Without my blessing, you get nothing." The Dragon King threw his own cynical grin back at his eldest son. "Therefore, you finish that plate and you eat tomorrow's as well."

The High Prince stared down his father wanting to call his bluff, but this present was one he had been dreaming of for a long time. He dreamt of having a dragon of his own, a Bearded Dragon to be exact. While continuing his stare down, the High Prince took a bite of the dreaded meat. "Set the bells, my Queen. This will be an early night and a much easier weekend at this rate," said the Dragon King.

The bells were set. The "Spare" Prince ate more than his share and the Princess of Dragons chanted, "I'm winning! I'm winning!" as she cleared her plate. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The High Prince slowly worked through his meal completing it before the bells rang through the land.

"I have finished, father. It wasn't too bad, but can we not eat this again?" the High Prince asked. "It was delicious, and we will have it again some day. You will learn to like what any other person in the realm likes because otherwise there's nothing left to eat. This one was good," explained the king since only the Princess of Dragons and the High Prince struggled with the meal.

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