How Hard is Eating Meatloaf?
Again that time came, and again the vile Dragon King summoned his family to the banquet hall for dinner. Again, the High Prince, the Princess of Dragons, and the "Spare" Prince begrudgingly sat around the table, the anxiety of another dinner weighing down on them. Tonight's battle? Meatloaf with potatoes. The most basic of meals, with a slight flair the Queen of Night was known throughout the land. The Dragon King, having other duties to attend to, stated the rules as normal.
"Alright children of ours." The Dragon King began, "You know what is required of you. Consume what is in front of you. It's meatloaf and mashed potatoes."
Immediately the High Prince butted in. "Father, may we have ketchup with our dinner?" "Of course son, you can have stuff to flavor your food as you want. However, you will still eat this meal."
Ketchup was provided to High Prince and the Princess of Dragons. "Alright children, now eat your food. I don't have time this evening to sit here all evening while you struggle with this meal. This meal is better warm, so don't waste time fighting the Queen and I. Eat the meal!"

The High Prince, deciding he would try a new tactic, distraction! He began talking to the Princess of Dragons, talking about entertainment and the daily activities. All the while time was ticking away. It seemed his plan was working. Would the Queen and King be able to send all the children to bed early? The High Prince's revolt was in full swing.
Surprisingly, the "Spare" Prince sat in the Queen's lap, consuming his portion of the meal quickly, and ran off. The Dragon King finished his meal. Realizing this battle was far from over, once again gave the old two children the ultimatum. "Alright kids, I'm setting the timer. I have other responsibilities to attend to, so you have until the bell chimes to be finished, or it's bed time. This will be your only warning." The Dragon King stood up and dismissed himself from the banquet hall.
After begging to sit in the Queen's lap, the Princess finished her meal without too much of a fight. She ate the mashed potatoes with corn without issue, however the Queen had to force the Princess to eat the meat, even with ketchup. The High Prince's distracting tactics only worked for so long. Now it was the High Prince alone against the never ending enemy, time.The minutes bled away, small bite after small bite. Would he be able to finish in time? The potatoes had corn in it, which was the utmost villainy. Time continued to march forward, the High Prince finishing the meat part of the meal. Only the potatoes and the corn remain but time continued to march forward.
Finally an Epiphany! The High Prince could quickly swallow the potatoes without really chewing or tasting them. He had a large amount left on the plate, and time continued to grind forward. He quickly swallowed his pride, and the remaining portion of the meal, with less than thirty seconds left before the bell chimed. he had once again successfully finished the meal. Another victory for the Vile Dragon King and his horrific tyranny.
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